

Subventions for Publications in Germanic Studies

Subventions for Publications in Germanic Studies

The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies now invites applications for the third round of grants available to members of staff working in the Germanic field at British and Irish Universities to assist in publishing their work.

The award will be made for publications which can demonstrate an essentially German-related content. The grant has a value of  £500 and is offered on a non-repayable basis; however, the author is required to acknowledge the assistance of the IGRS in the resulting publication, and to donate a copy of the volume to the Institute Library.

Applicants should be in receipt of an offer of publication at the time of applying, and be able to show that other funding sources have been sought and/or obtained. Applications, no longer than eight pages in total, should be made by covering letter and must include the following:

- a copy of the reader's report commissioned by the publisher
- a summary of the contents, including résumé of each chapter/contribution
- a costing, stating the total subsidy required by the publisher, the amount and purpose of the subvention requested from the Institute (e.g. production of camera-ready copy), and

- details of other applications for funding, stating the amount applied for as well as the sum likely to be awarded if the application is successful.

Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the Institute's Germanic Publications Committee, and applicants may expect to be notified of its decision in May.

Address to which applications should be sent:
Dr Godela Weiss-Sussex, Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Closing date for applications: 31 March 2006

University of London School of Advanced Study
Room ST282, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Telephone: +44 (0)20-7862 8966 Fax: +44 (0)20-7862 8970
E-mail: jane.lewin