

I have found Analysis very good to work with so far (currently using version
1.07). However, I spend most of my time searching for new peaks from a 3d
list and then comparing these potential new peaks with the corresponding
area in a series of overlaid 2D spectra (Master 15N HSQC and residue
specific 15N labelled spectra). It seems i cannot use the "find peak", "go
to position" or "navigate" functions to quickly locate the corresponding
region in my 2D spectra from a 3d spectrum (Even "Navigate all window
positions" ignores the 2D window). what i am currently doing is marking the
peak and dragging the 2d spectra to find the cross hairs. Is there a faster
way of doing this that i have missed? 
Also what would be nice is if the "go to position" function could be set to
work on muliple selections of spectra as this would save me several mouse
clicks as i work through a series of potential connections. 
Apologies if i have missed something really obvious. 
Many thanks