

Dear colleague,

wouldn't it be useful to do a radiocarbon dating first? Then you can find out the date of the animal up to c. 1650 AD, or after 1950 (the atomic bomb peak). In case of a bad result, you know at least that it is younger than 1650. Otherwise, even when you find info about the pig breeds, you don't know to what you are relating them.

your sincerely,

Anton Ervynck

Info schreef:

Dear All,

I am currently researching a British pig skeleton with a more shortened snout than usually observed on archaeological pig skulls.I know a shortened snout has been influenced by Asian pig imports in the early 1700’s, but does any one know of any pig breeding influence before this. Or any references that I can check up on for the history of pig breeds?Most annoyingly the finds date the feature as 10th-13th century and the strat doesn’t contradict this, but on-site observations of the fill suggested it was modern.So I really need to find dates as to when pig breeds could have been influenced by a shortened snout. 

I was also wondering if anyone knew were I would be able to view a copy of the following reference:

Teichert, M. 1990. Withers height calculations for pigs – Remarks and experience. Handout distributed at the 6th ICAZ Conference, WashingtonD.C. May 1990.


Carina Phillips

Anton Ervynck
Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed
Flemish Heritage Institute
Phoenix-building, Koning Albert II-laan 19 box 5, B-1210 Brussel
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