

Dear Jessica and All,

You may find data considering the Carpathian Basin,
South-East Romania and Bulgaria in the next papers:

Kretzoi, M. 1960-61. Történelem előtti túzok-lelet és
a túzokfélék története (Prähistorischer
Grosstrappen-Fund und die Geschichte der Trappen).
Aquila 67-68: 189-190.

Bökönyi, S. and Jánossy, D. 1965. Szubfosszilis
vadmadár-leletek Magyarországon (Subfossile
Wildvogelfunde aus Ungarn). Vertebrata Hungarica 7:

Jánossy, D. 1985. Wildvogelreste aus archäologischen
Grabungen in Ungarn (Neolithicum bis Mittelalter).
Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica 12: 67–103.

Boev, Z. 1999. Distribution of the Little Bustard
(Tetrax tetrax /Linnaeus, 1758/) and Greate Bustard
(Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Otitidae Gray,
1845) in Bulgaria during the Late Pleistocene and the
Holocene. VIII Scientific Session of Biological
Faculty, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia.
Gál, E. and Kessler, E. 2002. Bird Remains from the
Eneolithic and Iron Age Site Borduşani Popina and
Eneolithic Site Hârşova (Southeast Romania). Acta
zoologica cracoviensia, 45(special issue): 253-262.

Gál, E. 2004. The Neolithic avifauna of Hungary within
the context of the Carpathian Basin. Antaeus, 27:

Best, Erika Gál

Erika Gál, PhD
Institute of Archaeology - Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
49 Úri, 1014 Budapest, Hungary
Tel.: 36 1 375 9011/265; Fax: 36 1 224 6719 
e-mail: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]

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