

Hello Everyone,

There will be some of you who will wonder who this chap is. Most, if not all UK based contributors will already know of him.
Russell Reid is an Australian psychiatrist who practiced mainly in the private sector of medicine in the UK. He is well known for his patient centred approach to Trans treatment. Arguably, he was one of its most respected practitioners.

I have a lot of respect for this type of approach, but some would say I am one of Russell's detractors. I have concerns that he flew a little too close to the wind on occasions. Justifiably, others may call this treatment challenging the UK's general approach to Trans treatment - ultra conservative. 
Russell has been accused by several ultra conservative practitioners and their supporters of gross professional misconduct.  Witnesses have also testified against Russell. They felt rushed into treatment, and have latterly felt reassignment was not for them and have attempted to revert back to their original gender.
Most of the Trans community that know the history of this case, the practitioners and witnesses, are concerned that the accusations are potentially vexatious, and therefore worry about the "safeness" of any judgement the GMC may bring. Even I feel I cannot idly stand by and let this case continue without comment.

You can read about his case by pointing your browser at - Guardian Unlimited - then tapping in - Russell Reid. I hasten to add that these reports are from a newspaper notoriously anti Trans, and the defence has yet to be heard.
As you may surmise the Trans community are also fearful that if the case were to go against Russell it would be a retrogressive step, setting back Trans treatment in the UK, and banishing the patient centred approach to the archives. Practitioners supportive of Russell's approach are also living in fear that they will be the next target of the ultra conservatives.

As I am sure you can imagine, the Trans community in the UK is looking to support Russell. It seems the easiest way to do this is to log onto a blog that has been set up by Krystyna - a Transwoman in the UK. It is already approaching nearly 300 comments. Russell has access to this and is heartened by the support he is receiving.
Its address is;- 
Please help us by posting a comment on the blog, and please get in touch with me via priv mail and in confidence, if you need any more information.
Thanks for your support.