


Please see below details of the next SEEC staff development event.  A
booking form is attached and should be completed and returned to the SEEC
office as soon as possible.


The SEEC Office

SEEC Professional Development Event

APEL and FOUNDATION DEGREES – giving credit where it’s due

Date:  Thursday December 7th  2006,  10:00 – 4:00

Venue: Birkbeck, University of London,  Room B20, Malet Street,
London WC1E

Speakers:  Sue Cundell, University of Surrey, Ian Scott, City University,
Representative from FDF (tbc), Frank Lyons, University of Portsmouth,
Janet MacGregor, Canterbury Christ Church University

It could be said that, although processes for recognising previous
achievement are established in our organisations, they are not often used
– or used appropriately - either by staff or students.  This is a day to
explore how recognition of prior achievement (certificated and
experiential learning) can be best ‘operated’ to support learners into,
and through, Foundation Degrees. Drawing upon case studies across sectors,
including an exploration of a specific learning journey, we will consider
the pros and cons of current practice and why there is resistance to using
it.  The afternoon session will be facilitated groups considering major
aspects of using credit within Foundation Degrees, such as:

•	APEL for entry into Foundation Degrees
•	APEL for a grant of credit towards a Foundation Degree
•	Mechanisms for ensuring quality

The day will begin with Foundation Degree Forward (fDf) offering their
perspective,  and will close with a gathering together of strategies and
solutions for overcoming resistance, the conclusions of which will be
available in a paper from SEEC.


10.00	Coffee & Registration

10.15	Welcome and introduction by Sue Cundell and Ian Scott, chairs of the
SEEC  APEL and Foundation Degree Network Groups.

	A perspective on APEL from Foundation Degree Forward

	Case study presentations:
	APEL and FDs, related to FE: speaker from Foundation Degree Forward (tbc)
        APEL and FDs, related to HE: Frank Lyons, Director, Foundation
Direct, University of Portsmouth
	A student’s journey through APEL and FDs: Janet McGregor, Head of
Development for Work Based Learning and Foundation Degrees, Faculty of
Health and Social Care, Canterbury Christ Church University

13.00	Lunch

13.45	Solutions based working groups, including:
	APEL for entry into Foundation Degrees
	APEL for a grant of credit towards a Foundation Degree
	Mechanisms for ensuring quality

15.30	Plenary and conclusion: gathering solutions and strategies for good
practice, and setting new questions for further investigation.

16.00	Close