MRIcro and Xmedcon (both are freewares) to convert DICOM to ANALYZE and ANALYSE to DICOM respectively.
Abhinay Joshi.

On 12/27/06, Peter Lundberg <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear SPMers,

Which is the best way of converting Dicom to spm2 format? "Best"
might be quickest, cleanest, or most convenient.

(Philips/Achieva, spm2/linux)

73, Peter
                                                          @  @
|  Peter Lundberg            Ph: (+46 13) 22 27
90                           |
|  MR-Unit                   Fax: (+46 13) 22 27
92                          |
|  Dept of Radiation Physics Email:
Peter.Lundberg_AT_imv.liu.se             |
|  University of
Linkoping                                                   |
|  S-581 85 Linkoping        Efax:
Peter_Lundberg_AT_f013222792.fax.sunet.se |
|  Sweden                    www: http://www.imv.liu.se/
radiofysik/          |
()           "To a poet nothing is useless." (SJ)       ooOO OOoo

Abhinay D.Joshi
Nuclear Medical Center,