
I've tried a few things since last posting this problem, but the same error remains.

Our study c
onsists of five sessions, each with 136 volumes.
Now, some of the sessions events have only one value to model.
I checked in the SPM structure and all the values including the onset and the corresponding regressor seem to exist.

Is thr a problem if my event has only one value ?

Some of our code:

                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).name = 'ArousalScore';
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).h = 1;  % order of polynomial expansion
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).i = [1 2];
                SPM.Sess (ses).U(count).P(1).P = [6.65];
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).ons = [274];
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).dur = 0; 

I came across the same error even after trying a couple of things. (related to parametric modulation).
Any help would be most appreciated!

Thank you,

Ninad Gujar