

ika16 wrote:
> If I get 10 x 2 design matrix, how can I put it into SPM?
> Need Matlab code or anything else?

It's easier to let SPM create the design matrix based on the model 
that you specify with the GUI. Otherwise, I think you have to manually 
set up the structures in the SPM.mat (see e.g. 

I haven't found an easy way to manually set up a simple case for 
spm_spm to estimate -- hopefully someone will correct me here if I'm 
missing something.

If you do just want a simple Ordinary Least Squares estimation from a 
specified design matrix, then you could probably code it up yourself 
fairly quickly, using the standard expressions (e.g. beta = 
(X'*X)\X'*y etc) and SPM functions to read the image data.

> And a covariate vector always has to be one column vector?

Yes, a column is a covariate.

> If a covariate is a column of the design matrix,
> how can I put two columns of covariates into SPM?
> Have twice for "New Covariate"?

Sounds good to me!
