

Hi again,

probably, I was misunderstood due to a bad formulation of my question. I tried
to ask: how many additional (transformation-) parameters could you include in
the SPM-coregistration-algorithm, without losing in accuracy. Is the
information incorporated in the mutal information (MI)-obtimisation function
"sufficient enough" to calculate 12  (or even more) parameters correctly,
instead of the usual 6 parameters, assuming a dataset with high resolution, and
assuming that, each additional parameter changes the optimisation function less
or in the same order of magnitude as the parameters before.



John Ashburner wrote:

> > as regards to the coregistration: Is the MI-obtimaization function "good
> > enough"  to yield reasonable results, if you use a 12-parametric
> > transformation
> >
> > instead of the 6-parametric transformation?
> >
> > > Actually, SPM's coregistration only does a 6 parameter transform by
> > > default, although it can be coaxed into using 12 - but not via the user
> > > interface.
> This is a question that will differ from dataset to dataset.  The validity
> depends entirely upon the assumptions that can be made of your data.  If you
> use relatively new and well calibrated scanners, then the voxel sizes should
> be set pretty accurately in the header.  If this is the case, then a
> 6-parameter rigid body model will be better.  Perhaps the question should be
> rephrased:
>     "Is my data good enough to use a six-parameter rigid registration model
>      instead of a 12-parameter affine model?"
> Best regards,
> -John