

Greetings, Folks

Cambs County Council is facing financial problems (surprise?)

I'm concerned by a remark made by Cambridgeshire County Council
leader Keith Walters as reported in the Cambridge Evening News
on 3 January:


  Coun Walters criticised the Government for putting
  the council in such a difficult position, and said
  that, despite a population explosion, only two county
  councils in England currently have lower tax rates
  than Cambridgeshire.

  He said: "The massive growth in population we are
  facing places huge demand upon public services - more
  older people to care for, traffic on our roads and
  waste requiring disposal - and yet, no account is
  taken of this in our funding settlement from Government.

I thought there was a fairly elaborate system (as I recall
based on multiple regression ... ) whereby central Government
adjusted the Council Tax grants to local authorities according
to precisely such factors (and others).

Am I wrong? Out of date? Or is Coun Walters talking a load
of whatever?

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[log in to unmask]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 13-Jan-06                                       Time: 18:17:33
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