

Dear All,

As we become engulfed in the 8+ separate Festivals here in Edinburgh this summer you might be interested in the science events which feature in these.

There's a (long) list of everything I've picked up from the listings at the end of this email but in particular Y-Touring's well-received play, Every Breath, will be at the Fringe for most of August exploring the use of animals in biomedical research. ("Howls of laughter... full of passion and intelligence" The Guardian). Y-Touring are offering members of the science community two-for-one tickets. The offer runs from Monday 14th August to Sunday 20th August (no performance Wednesday 16th) and is only available through the Hill Street Theatre's box office or on the door. To take advantage of this offer, please quote "Science Community Special Offer". (More details below).

There are also local stars (including Dr Bunhead at the Fringe and Ken Macleod, Ian Wilmut, Michael Northcott, Andrew Patrizio and Dave Reay at the Book Festival) as well as international stars such as Al Gore on Climate Change at the Film Festival.

The list below doesn't constitute recommendations, just everything with a science element (plays, paintings, films, stand-up, musicals) - enjoy.


Tony Weir
Events Secretary,
Edinburgh and South East Scotland Branch of
The BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science)
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Using Science in Fiction
Strand: Writing Workshop
Date: Mon 14/8/2006 Time: 2:00 PM 
Appearing: Ann Lingard
Science is a rich resource for fiction writers. But how and where to find what you need and make best use of it? In Putting the science into fiction - fearlessly Ann Lingard, founder of SciTalk (, will help you to be inspired by the subtle use of science. (Maximum 20 Places) Sponsored by the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society

Using Science in Fiction
Strand: The Writing Business
Ann Lingard, Nicola Morgan
Mon 14/8/2006 Time: 6:45 PM
Ann Lingard, founder of SciTalk (, shows how to access and use scientists and scientific ideas in your own writing. Sponsored by The Society of Authors and The Times Literary Supplement.

Susan Blackmore
Strand: Matters of the Mind 
Tue 15/8/2006 Time: 4:00 PM
What constitutes our consciousness? In a brilliant exploration, distinguished thinker Susan Blackmore speaks to some of the leading experts in the field - including neuroscientists and philosophers - and delivers an utterly thought-provoking hour on the nature of the mind.

Michael Northcott & Dave Reay 
Strand: Nature and the Environment 
Thu 17/8/2006 Time: 12:30 PM 
Global warming starkly shows that our actions do not exist in isolation - the choices we make affect the whole planet. Michael Northcott, who teaches environmental ethics at the University of Edinburgh, gives a fascinating new perspective on the morality of climate change - while climatologist Dave Reay expertly analyses how our individual lifestyles can have far-reaching consequences.

Robert Winston
Strand: Matters of the Mind
Thu 17/8/2006 Time: 4:30 PM
Appearing: Jamie Jauncey, Robert Winston
Not only one of the country's most eminent fertility experts, Lord Professor Robert Winston has also become one of our most sought after speakers on all manner of ethical issues. His latest book examines our stubborn clinging to faith despite the manifold advances of science - a personal and illuminating perspective.

Oil & Water: Jeremy Leggett & Fred Pearce 
Strand: Nature and the Environment 
Thu 17/8/2006 Time: 7:30 PM 
Come and join major commentators on the environment as they discuss our impact on the earth and propose some solutions. Jeremy Leggett, formerly of Greenpeace, Fred Pearce, leading science writer and ethical thinker Michael Northcott, reveal the threats to our water, our oil and our climate - and call for action.

Toxic Childhood with Sue Palmer 
Strand: Matters of the Mind
Fri 18/8/2006 Time: 5:30 PM 
The number of children in the developed world diagnosed as having 'developmental or behavioural problems' is rising by 25% each year. Former head teacher and literacy expert Sue Palmer has researched a diverse range of 'problem areas', from poor diet to modern factors such as mobile phones, televisions and increasingly stressed parents. An illuminating and stimulating revelation of the issues behind the general concerns about children's health, providing a few answers to parents on how to ensure their children emerge as healthy, intelligent and happy adults.

Sheila Mclean in Conversation with Joan Bakewell
Strand: Embryos and Ethics 
Sun 20/8/2006 Time: 7:30 PM
Leading expert on medical ethics Professor Sheila McLean is well known for her broadcasting and journalism on the many moral and legal issues raised by modern medical intervention. In Modern Dilemmas: Choosing Children she discusses the huge advances in genetic and reproductive science and what they mean for families, in conversation with renowned broadcaster Joan Bakewell. Supported by the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum.

Roger Penrose
Strand: Popular Science
Mon 21/8/2006 Time: 4:30 PM
Appearing: Ramona Koval, Roger Penrose
The Road To Reality: A Complete Guide To The Laws Of The Universe is exactly that: the most ambitious work for a generation, explaining everything we currently understand about our universe, its beauty, and its philosophical implications. An astonishing, invigorating tour de force by one of our greatest scientists, a peer and colleague of Stephen Hawking.

Lewis Wolpert
Strand: Matters of the Mind
Date: Mon 21/8/2006 Time: 8:00 PM 
Appearing: Jamie Jauncey, Lewis Wolpert
Why do people believe in angels, aliens, gods or God? Why do children have different beliefs from adults - and do animals believe? One of our most acclaimed evolutionary scientists and speakers examines why human society seems to need belief to function, and whether it is psychological or biological in origin.

Tom Fort & Gavin Pretor-Pinney 
Strand: Nature and the Environment 
Date: Mon 21/8/2006 Time: 8:30 PM 
Appearing: Tom Fort, Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Weather: the favourite British obsession. Has it made us what we are today? Tom Fort makes a humorous journey seeking out stories of the eccentrics and visionaries who in the past tried to measure and predict our fickle climate. Gavin Pretor-Pinney sings the praises of clouds: their poetry, beauty, dampness, names and how to spot and appreciate them.

Daniel Tammet
Strand: Autism Unveiled
Date: Tue 22/8/2006 Time: 12:30 PM 
Appearing: Joan Bakewell, Daniel Tammet
An autistic savant, Daniel Tammet has apparently miraculous gifts - performing prodigious mathematical feats faster than a calculator, speaking seven languages and devising his own. Yet everyday acts are far more difficult. His uniqueness extends to being able to describe and discuss his extraordinary abilities - an important key to understanding. Chaired by Joan Bakewell. Supported by Autism Initiatives UK and The Scottish Society for Autism.

Ian Wilmut
Strand: Embryos and Ethics 
Tue 22/8/2006 Time: 1:30 PM 
Appearing: Roger Highfield, Ian Wilmut
The leader of the team which created the world's first ever cloned animal, Dolly the sheep, Ian Wilmut continues to be at the forefront of advances in genetic science, including the use of embryonic cells, with deep ethical implications for us all. After Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning written with Roger Highfield explores this contentious, fast-changing territory.

Ian Wilmut
Strand: Embryos and Ethics 
Tue 22/8/2006 Time: 7:30 PM 
Appearing: Richard Holloway, Ian Wilmut
An evening discussion which goes to the heart of some of the trickiest ethical challenges of our day. Ian Wilmut was responsible for the team which created the first cloned animal and now pioneers reproductive science. Join him, and philosopher and former bishop Richard Holloway and journey to the heart of the questions posed by scientific advances. Supported by the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum.

Graham Dunstan Martin & Stuart Sim 
Strand: Matters of the Mind
Wed 23/8/2006 Time: 3:30 PM 
Scepticism or spirituality? Is belief potentially pernicious or is there an element of 'intelligent design' which has brought us into being? Graham Dunstan Martin argues that materialism cannot explain everything. Stuart Sim robustly argues the case for a greater rationality and doubt to combat fundamentalist dogmatism.

Peter Gill & Jacky Law 
Strand: Society and Medicine 
Thu 24/8/2006 Time: 11:00 AM 
Global pandemics, a global pharmaceutical industry. Peter Gill shockingly exposes the spread of AIDS and the political failure to stem its ravages. Jacky Law analyses the big pharmaceutical companies and their imperative to place profit before properly priced well-being. A revelatory event for those who take pills and for those who need them.

Graham Harvey in Conversation With Joanna Blythman 
Strand: Nature and the Environment 
Thu 24/8/2006 Time: 7:30 PM 
Why does our culture attach so little importance to food production and its effects on our well-being? Leading environmental author Graham Harvey shows how industrial farming techniques not only destroy land but nutrition too. Come and discuss the way forward. Chaired by award-winning food writer Joanna Blythman.

Climate Change - Whose problem is it? 
Strand: Nature and the Environment 
Fri 25/8/2006 Time: 6:30 PM 
Adults and 16+. Is climate change inevitable or caused by modern society? Should the needs of the developing world come before measures to reduce our impact on the planet, even if that means damaging the environment? What exactly can we do about climate change? Environmental activist Joss Garman and Sandy Starr, founding member of the Manifesto Club, get to grips with the debate. Come and have your say. Chaired by Rajiv Joshi of the Scottish Youth Parliament.

Ken Macleod & Charles Stross
Strand: Science and Fiction 
Fri 25/8/2006 Time: 7:30 PM 
How and why do novelists use science in their fiction? Is fiction a way of helping the public understand some of the concepts and advances in the ever-changing scientific field? Join two leading science fiction writers of enormously inventive narratives to discuss this fascinating coming together of two different worlds. Supported by the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum.

Raj Persaud 
Strand: Matters of the Mind
Sat 26/8/2006 Time: 6:30 PM 
Some of the most enthralling sessions at the Book Festival are those of Dr Raj Persaud - eminent psychiatrist, poker-player, prolific broadcaster and all round super-brilliant brain. This evening he considers some of the things humans do in pursuit of happiness.

Steve Jones 
Strand: Popular Science 
Sun 27/8/2006 Time: 4:30 PM 
One of the most invigorating communicators in science, Steve Jones is not only a renowned biologist, he is also passionate about the endless fascination of the world. In The Single Helix he ranges through subjects as diverse as optical illusions in tartan and the sex lives of cats. Come and share his enthusiasm and wonder. Chaired by Ruth Wishart.

Andrew Patrizio
Strand: Society and Art 
Mon 28/8/2006 Time: 2:30 PM 
Anatomy Acts: A Scottish Journey Through The Body looks at the extraordinary detail and richness of depictions of anatomy for the last five centuries. Artistically stunning, scientifically revealing, from engravings to the latest medical imaging techniques, these pictures show us in glorious detail who we are and how we are made.


A Brief History of Scotland - We done loads! 
LIP Theatre Company
Think you know about history, religion, science, philosophy and art? Well, think again! Let us show you the truth, as we are Scottish and we done loads!

Know It All? 
Punk Science
Do you want answers? Do you want them now? Or is three fifteen ok? Two idiots from the Science Museum answer the big questions asked by you the public, through comedy, music and live experiments.

Volcano Head 
Dr Bunhead's Science Education
Brainiac's most extreme TV scientist (Dr Bunhead) investigates the most dangerous, foolish and irresponsible experiments ever. 100% pure, live, high-octane science guaranteed! Unsuitable for wimps. 'Silly, crazy, dirty, dangerous and magnificent' Daily Telegraph. 'Bunhead is a master' Times.

Water for Life - Not for profit 
Tap Water Awards
Accessing clean water is a life or death issue globally. Privatisation is not the answer. This event offers inspiration to all, through dialogue with scientists, NGOs, authors, artists and water justice activists.

How to Build a Time Machine 
This 2005 solo hit by Greg McLaren returns for just eight performances. As an astrophysicist explains the cosmos to his audience, he accidentally builds a time machine. 'Rambunctious, delicate, bewildering and hysterically funny' Guardian.

Perfect Children 
American High School Theatre Festival
For 1,000,000 years humankind has sought perfection, and Apple Valley's genetically engineered class of 2507 seems poised to achieve it. But will the mysterious appearance of two 'naturals' bring chaos, or perhaps offer what perfection lacks?

Frankenstein - The musical
Ekko Theatre return to Edinburgh with a new musical for our New Age of Frankenstein - face transplants, designer genetics and clones. Inspired by Mary Shelley's novel, this is a nightmarish blend of horror, comedy and haunting songs.

The Fred Macaulay Show 
Fred MacAulay
Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are? BBC radio's star gives genealogy and genetics his stand-up twist, (without actually understanding them). With slides! Sold-out 2005. 'MacAulay is the full package'

Dr Ledbetter's Experiment 
The Performance Corporation
Darwin, delusion, death: some experiments go too far. Put your headphones on for Dr Ledbetter's Experiment, a fiendishly gothic field-trip. Best Production nominee, Irish Theatre Awards. 'An electrifying production... fiercely entertaining' Irish Times.

Spite the Face 
Stage D'Or
Ethan cannot smell. His life stinks. An experiment sees Ethan's nose temporarily removed, grafted onto a pig's arse and replaced by a computer. Outwardly disfigured, inwardly fulfilled, Ethan rediscovers aroma and himself. Then someone kidnaps the pig.

Every Breath
Y Touring Theatre Company
'Because we need to know. We need to understand.' A gripping family drama by award-winning playwright Judith Johnson which explores the use of animals in biomedical research. 'Howls of laughter... full of passion and intelligence' Guardian.
Y Touring are offering members of the Scottish science community TWO FOR ONE on tickets for EVERY BREATH, playing at the Hill Street Theatre.
The play is at 11:50 am, and is followed by a live audience debate. The offer runs from Monday 14th August to Sunday 20th August (no performance Wednesday 16th) and is only available through the Hill Street Theatre's box office (0131 226 6522) or on the door. To take advantage of this offer, please quote "Science Community Special Offer". Tickets are available from £5.

Cancer, Let's Talk Bollocks
A tumourous look at the way a comedian has dealt with the effects of testicular cancer with comedy. Laughter is the best medicine after all, so come and laugh at complete bollocks.

Festival Art at the BMA 
The British Medical Association in Scotland  British Medical Association in Scotland 
A stunning collection of contemporary paintings, sculpture and glasswork on exhibition at the British Medical Association. In collaboration with the Strathearn Gallery.


Technology, Politics and Change
The Royal Society of Arts Lecture at the Festival of Politics
Thursday 24 August
12.00 Parliament Venue 3 
We live in an era of increasingly rapid technological change, Frances Cairncross, journalist, broadcaster and Rector of Exeter College, University of Oxford, will review how technological change is affecting society, politics and the economy. Chaired by Melfort Campbell FRSA, Chairman of the CBI Scotland. 
In association with the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce

Whose Climate is it Anyway?
Saturday 26 August
17.00 (19.00) Parliament Venue 4
Come along to the first ever Café Politique! Over a coffee, hear speakers from Lithuania and Malawi on what climate change means for citizens of their countries. Then join in with your own ideas and comments. Based on the Café Scientifique model of inclusive discussion and chaired by eminent scientist and BBC weather presenter, Heather Reid. In association with the British Council Scotland.   


A Crude Awakening - The oil crash
Thu 24 AUG 17:15 / Fri 25 AUG 14:45
Balancing superb found-footage from educational films of yesteryear - sunny 1950s shorts promising endless oil and a paradise on Earth - with the dire warnings of contemporary scientists and political experts this well-researched, slickly assembled documentary looks at when will the crash come and what its effects will be.

An Inconvenient Truth
Sun 27 AUG 15:30
Al Gore will be present to introduce this film version of his lecture, bolstered with a formidable array of graphics and supporting evidence, on the 'truth' the title refers to; the brute fact of climate change and global warming.

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