

Man-Made Fibres and their health effects: next open seminar from BOHS
10.00 to 16.00, Thursday 18th January 2007, The Brearley Centre, Sheffield, UK

There have been many synthetic fibres produced in recent years for 
industrial applications, ranging from glass fibre through to refractory 
ceramic fibres, aramid fibres and silicon carbide whiskers, all of which 
have been found to have significant health effects.

This full-day seminar, the latest from BOHS's Fibres Special Interest 
Group, will bring together information on the current state of knowledge on 
these fibres and data on the associated health issues, and will discuss 
control of exposure to these materials in the workplace.

Speakers include representatives from BOHS, the Institute of Occupational 
Medicine, HSL, HSE, and industry.  Presentations on the development of new 
fibres, an historical review of the epidemiology data on fibres, 
occupational hygiene and health issues and workplace controls.Ample 
opportunity for open debate

For full programme and booking details, see the BOHS website .  Cost 40 GBP for BOHS 
members, 60 GBP for non-members.

(posted by Trevor Ogden)