

Orin Lewis & ACLT are among the most impressive organisations I've come across in terms of providing help where none was before: if anyone on the List can help to bring this to the attention of relevant potantial donors and supporters, I'd  be very grateful.
(Thanks to the WelshNetwork for bringing this to my attention!)
Mark Johnson
(List Moderator)


Hi Everyone


You may have seen this on the news, BBC and or Central news. Kevin is a personal friend of mine and had worked for Supreme Security for over 8 years and is held in high regard by all Supreme employees.


I was out with Kevin on New Years 2005, we talked at length and he told me his story. I would really appreciate any help you can give. Below is some information on how you can help. The other way to help is to print off or forward the posters on to other people within our community so that it can be displayed.


This is a LIFE or DEATH situation please help if you can.


Thank you


Chris Clacken


The African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (ACLT) are currently campaigning on behalf of Birmingham man Kevin Phelps who is in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant.


Kevin was diagnosed with Leukaemia in October 2005. His doctors at Sandwell hospital have made it very clear that a match will have to found within the next 2 months or he will certainly die.


The family/friends of Kevin have organised 3 registration clinics in the Birmingham area that will be hosted by the ACLT and we desperately need your help in getting the message out to the African, African Caribbean and Mixed Parentage Communities about Kevin's plight and encouraging all 18-43 year olds to step forward as potential life savers by registering as potential bone marrow donors.


The dates for the 3 clinics are as follows:


Sat 4th Feb. Time: 11am till 6pm

Britannia Hotel, 6 Union Passage, New Street,  Birmingham B2 4RX


Sat 11th Feb. Time: 11am till 4pm

The Drum Arts Centre, 144 Potters Lane, Aston Birmingham B6 4UU


Sat 17th Feb. Time: 9pm till 2am

Sapphire Conference & Banqueting Suite, 215 Bradford Street, Digbeth B12 0RG 



The family/friends of Kevin have also produced A3/A5 posters that will be distributed throughout the Birmingham area. I've attached copies for you to see. I'm sure the family/friends would happy get some copies to you if you are in a position to put some up in your Radio Stations. The posters have lots of information on them.  I will arrange for 5 of the posters to be posted to Phil. 


If you are able to help get the message out we would really appreciate your assistance.


Any queries please e-mail us back or give us a call.


Very Kind Regards