

Hi Robyn, Hope all is going well with you. Lisa Freeman looked at
decision making in labour (Freeman and Adair 2005). It isn't so much
about FH monitoring as about partnership, but might be useful for the
lit search.
I have passed on your request to the team
Go well!
Jackie Gunn
Head of Midwifery
School of Midwifery
AUT University 
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1020
+64 9 921 9999 ext 7740
[log in to unmask]

>>> [log in to unmask] 14/03/06 9:43:06 a.m. >>>

Greetings List Members
I am preparing a proposal for PhD (Midwifery) studies here in New
Zealand and want to look at intrapartum fetal heart monitoring, and in
particular intermittent auscultation for low risk women.
I am keen to explore the range of practice currently used by
midwives, how midwives and women make decisions about how, when to
monitor the FH, the frequency, timing and length of IA and women's
I am interested to know who else out there is looking at similar
projects and of the work that has been done recently around these
topics, as I am sure there must be some.
Look forward to hearing from you soon, 
Robyn Maude


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