


Pioneering Software in the 1960s in Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium 

Date: 2-4 November 2006

Site: CWI (Amsterdam)

Organizers: Gerard Alberts (UvA  Amsterdam), Paul Klint (CWI, Amsterdam),
Wilfried Brauer (TU München), Arjan van Dijk (NGI), Ulf Hashagen
(MZWTG/Deutsches Museum), Hans Dieter Hellige (Universität Bremen), Jacques
VandenBulcke (SAI/Universiteit Leuven), John Impagliazzo (IFIP)


Supporting Organizations: 

Societies: GI, NGI, SAI, IFIP Working Group 9.7 „History of Computing“ 
Universities and Research Institutes: CWI, Deutsches Museum/MZWTG, TU München 
Financial support by CWI, NWO-EW, and Ernst-Denert-Stiftung für


Michael S. Mahoney (Princeton University) 
Wilfried Brauer (TU München) 


Software, today, is the ubiquitous support of everyday practice. The early
beginnings of software, however, are half a century old. From the coding of
the early machines in the 1950s gradually rose the writing of software as an
autonomous practice. By 1960 the main areas of research and industrial
innovation were operating systems, programming languages and construction of
compilers. In the following years the software field developed its own
tools, techniques and methodologies. The foundation of software houses
signified the emergence of software as an economic activity. The development
of software showed its growing pains, from late deliveries, to not meeting
specifications, and to straightforward accidents. By the end of the 1960s
some perceived the field as being in a crisis, others saw new challenges.
The famous Garmisch-Partenkirchen Conference in 1968 marked the
self-conscious start of a new discipline called software engineering. 

European countries followed their own paths in these early developments of
software. Their academics tended to choose the niche of theoretical
research, symbolized by abstract reflection on the design of languages.
Simultanuously university research teams filled the gap of the absent
software departments in the European computer industries, delivering
compilers and contributing to operating systems. Germany, The Netherlands
and Belgium shared this paradox characteristic of the pioneering age of



Designing programming languages 
Construction of compilers and operating systems 
The rise of the software branch: software-houses and application software 
Software tools, techniques and methodologies: towards software engineering
in industry and academy 

Conference fee for non speaking participants € 100 


Thursday, November 2nd, 15:30 – 19:00

            chair Wilfried Brauer

15:30                Paul Klint (CWI Amsterdam), opening remarks on the
history of software engineering

Designing Languages

15:50                Hartmut Petzold (München), Nikolaus Joachim Lehmann
from Dresden

                  and the international ALGOL project

16:30                Gerard Alberts (Amsterdam), Van Wijngaarden and ALGOL 68

            coffee break      17:10 -17:30

17:30                Albert Endres (Sindelfingen), Early language design and
compiler development 
               at IBM Europe; a personal retrospect
18:10                discussion opened by

                        Helena Durnova (Brno), comments on languages and the
ALGOL effort


            conference dinner 19:30, restaurant De Kas, separate fee


Friday, November 3rd

Morning, 9:00 – 13:00

            chair Michael S. Mahoney

Compilers, and operating systems in academic-industrial cooperation

09:00                Hans Langmaack (Kiel), Compiler construction as an
academic enterprise
                               in the ALCOR-Group
09:40                Frans Kruseman Aretz (Eindhoven), Progress in ALGOL 60

      two successive MC-systems compared

10:20                discussion opened by

                        Gerhard Goos (Karlsruhe), comments on compiler

            coffee break      10:50 -11:10

11:10                Hans-R Wiehle (München), Operating Systems at Telefunken

11:50                Adrienne van den Bogaard (Delft), Dijkstra and the THE
operating system

12:30                discussion opened by

                        Klaus-Peter Löhr (Berlin), comments on operating systems


            lunch 13:00

            siesta or museum visit

Afternoon, 15:00 – 19:00

            chair Wilfried Brauer

The rise of the software industry

15:00                Jan Mol (Amsterdam), Volmac 

15:40                Timo Leimbach (München), The creation and rise of the
German software industry:                                                  
                                          some remarks and case studies

            coffee break      16:20 -17:00

17:00                Jacques Loeckx (Köln), Computer design and software
development in Belgium
                before 1970; a personal retrospect
17:40                Sandra Mols (Manchester), The beginnings of the Belgian
software industry 

18:30                discussion


Saturday, November 4th

Morning, 9:00 – 13:00

            chair Michael S. Mahoney

Software tools, techniques and methodologies: 

                                               towards software engineering
in industry and academy

09:00                Jan Berghuis (Bennekom), Project management, systems

09:40                Willem van der Poel (Delft), The Zebraclub

10:20                discussion

            coffee break      10:40 -11:00

11:00                Maurice Verhelst (Leuven), Decision tables, past and

11:40                Hans-Dieter Hellige (Bremen), Software Engineering
approaches before the notion

12:20                discussion

            lunch 13:00