

The MIT Press and our technology partner Atypon are concerned that
librarians are experiencing difficulties in activating their online
subscriptions on our new site. Detailed below are the steps needed to
activate online access. To allow librarians time to activate their
online access, Ingenta has agreed to extend access to old content
until June 1, 2006.

We will also be contacting customers directly with this activation

5 Steps to Activate MIT Press Journals on Atypon:

1. Visit <>

2. Click on the orange button labeled "Activate your Online Access"

3. Select "Individual" or "Institution"

4. You will be asked to register, or log in if you have registered on
this site before

5. Follow the instructions that appear onscreen.  Your MIT Customer
number is your "Access Token" (for individuals) or your Activation
Code (institutions).  Institution Administrators, you will be asked
to enter your IP(s) during the activation process.

If your institution has multiple accounts, an email notification has
been sent for each account, requiring you to activate each time. We
apologize for this inconvenience. We ask librarians who experience
this problem to contact MIT Press at
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] so that we
can merge the duplicate accounts.

If librarians experience any access problems, they should contact MIT
Press at <mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] and
provide as much detail as possible so that we can help.


Rebecca McLeod
Journals Manager
The MIT Press