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                                                                FE AND URBAN RENEWAL:
                                                                 The Challenge for Colleges
Thursday 12 October 2006, London
The conference is unique in putting focus on the role of colleges in supporting and invigorating urban renewal, to the benefit of communities and individuals.
Regeneration is all about renewal, changing things for the better:
Colleges have a major role to play in their communities - creating opportunity, providing skills, stimulating demand
Partnerships are crucial - with local authorities, with voluntary organisations, with employers
Urban renewal is about social inclusion, and the role of colleges in widening participation and reaching reluctant learners is a vital strength
This is where the Skills Agenda and social inclusion are inextricably linked, and the experience of the colleges in both areas, of skills development and the provision of access, needs to be fully mobilised and utilised.
As the report from Lord Richard Rogers emphasised in "Towards a Strong Urban Renaissance", (published November 2005) social wellbeing is a vital ingredient of any successful community. Further education, as one of the best-regarded and most successful of public services in this country, has a key role to play in creating that success through improving the skills base of both vocational and soft skills and through securing active involvement.
This conference will:
Seek to identify the key issues and the critical success factors
Emphasise the crucial importance of the ‘soft’ skills (focus on upskilling people technically alone does not deliver sustainable communities)
Present examples of best practice from local authorities and from further education
Offer an opportunity for participants to contribute to a vital debate
Feature presentations on the immense challenges and opportunities provided by the necessary regeneration of East London, kick-started by the 2012 Olympics.
The work, which will be described, goes to the heart of the successful college's mission, and will provide valuable stimulation for the work of delegates and their colleagues.

To reserve a place using the Online Conference Reservation facility (OCR),
Enquiries to: Gurjit Kaur on Tel: 0116 2042833  E-mail: [log in to unmask]