

OK, I see why it's failing - lcg-infosites problem...
SFT2 determines the lfc server to use that way :

export LFC_HOST=`lcg-infosites --vo $SFT_VO lfc | head -n 1`

For dteam, this should be the central LFC, so lcg-infosites should only 
return "" - not 2337 lfc servers (!)
This is what it does for me :

{ccali29}~(0)>lcg-infosites --vo dteam lfc

In your case, the "head -n 1" takes the lhcb lfc server, and of course 
dteam can not create nor use this lfc server. So you are not allowed to 
create the directory, of course...

There's definitely something wrong with you lcg-infosites version which 
returns all possible LFCs, even local ones (and it seems that it returns 
global ones several times also).

So a quick hack to this would be to hack line 6 of 
scripts/choose-good-SE and set it to something like :

This should hopefully make the SFT admin page work...
Now, I don't understand why it's starting to fail only now : this should 
have happened a long time ago... ? What was changed and where (and who ? 
;) ) ?


Rafal Lichwala wrote:

>On Tuesday 14 of March 2006 15:21, Frederic Schaer wrote:
>>Just submitted an SFT job, see below...
>What do you mean? You successfuly submitted SFT job from SFT Admin's Page or 
>from your own SFT-2 instace?
>I've got still the same errors:
>Starting Grid Environment Tests:
>Getting list of monitored sites from GOC DB via R-GMA
>Getting Apel statistics for records not older than 2006-03-12 via R-GMA
>ERROR: Secure connection failed: (8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol')
>ERROR: Secure connection failed: (8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol')
>Could not download the new GOC sites map. Using old one if present...
>cannot create /grid/dteam/SFT: No such file or directory
>Could not find good SE!
>Look at /home/rafal/.sft2/choose-good-SE.log for more details...
>Failed to find good central SE!
>Found good RB:
>Finished Grid Environment Tests.
>Grid Environment tests failed. Cannot submit test jobs!
>>Bad :(
>>But for me it works... I'm still using LCG 2.6.
>Yes, maybe a problem is in lcg UI version...
>I hope the problems will disappear when Andreas puts lcg 2.7 UI for IA64... 
>>The exact error message you should see is (funny to see it's normal to
>>see an error - anyway ;) ) :
>>cannot create /grid/dteam/SFT: File exists
>Nop. During SFT job submission I've got:
>"cannot create /grid/dteam/SFT: No such file or directory"
>>If it's not working, try " lfc-mkdit /grid/dteam/SFT" with the correct
>>environment (i.e : export LCG_CATALOG_TYPE=lfc and  export
>> to see if it works.
>Yes. That's right.
>[rafal@ce conf]$ lfc-mkdir /grid/dteam/SFT
>cannot create /grid/dteam/SFT: File exists
>... but in SFT-2 I have still different error message... strange...
>>What's the output of lcg-infosites --vo dteam lfc ?
>The output is 2337 lines long with sites domain names:
>[rafal@ce conf]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam lfc | head
>[rafal@ce conf]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam lfc | tail
>[rafal@ce conf]$ lcg-infosites --vo dteam lfc | wc -l
>   2337
>[rafal@ce conf]$                                              
>Does anybody else know what could be wrong with SFT-2 job submission from our 
>Andreas - please let me know when lcg 2.7 UI for IA64 will be ready and 
>available somewhere... 
>Best regards