

thank you kind sir very much indeed
both for the comprehensive scope of your thinking
& the following particular points i would like to

the fact that territorial & sovereign rights claims
south of 60 degrees south latitude are merely set
aside or frozen since 1959 rather than denied outright
& forever does clearly distinguish such disclaimers
from the subsequent & more nearly unequivocal &
uncompromised & thus more comprehensive disclaimers 
to the balance of the high seas 
that have been made & promised by unclos since the

even if all the antarctic disclaimers were suddenly
which i agree might easily transpire in a time of
global warming & technological advancement
there would still remain in nonnational format the
full sixth of the antarctic pie known as marie byrd
land & situated between the chilean & kiwi slices
or between 90 & 150 degrees of west longitude

& this land territory would remain & indeed remains
today just as unclaimed & nonnational as it has ever
whether before or after 1959

so we do appear to have in any case our terra firma
beachhead of everyones land
or the once & former no mans land 
here in marie byrd land at the very least

& it seems this land of ours extends all the way to
the south pole if not also a bit beyond or actually
across the polar multipoint 
into the indefinite norwegian polar disclaimer between
20 west & 45 east longitude depicted here
for which curious proruption thru a point please see
footnote below

not that this peculiar historic doubling & redoubling
of no mans land in any way presupposes or assures its
own continuance as everyones land
since anyone might lay claim in future to this our
last known bit 
of neverland or everland as the case may be

but it is reassuring to know that
as of this writing anyway
everyones land does actually exist
both because of & in spite of the antarctic treaties 
rather than only a merely hypothetical or eventual
everyones water
per unclos 
nor just a potential everyones outer space
but an actual everyones
l a n d
properly so called

& like a great national park or a last sacred vestige
of patrimony 
this solid basis in solid ground would appear to at
least stand a good chance of persisting thru all
manner of future vicissitudes of exploitation etc

so that is one point for everyone
& for everyones land

but i feel it also needs to be emphasized
as you have also already more than suggested
even extreme comprehensiveness does not necessarily
quite add up to universality

for just as the antarctic treaty isnt really universal
at all
but rather involves only a few handfuls of signatory
so also is the unclos system
even if & when it attains to its fully intended scope
similary limited to the nations of the united nations
in terms both of conventionality & trusteeship

& of course not every nation is a member of the united

& moreover not every person is a member of a nation of
any character
let alone a necessarily united nation as it were 
vis a vis unclos or antarctica or outer space etc

so i think there remains a question of how 
really & practically & legally 
to get from no mans land to everyones land properly so

& finally
& granting we are still here on the cusp between
legality & nebulosity
how then to actually institute & or constitute a
nation state in which the sovereignty of every
individual human being both within that state &
outside of it is indeed fully regarded & valued as
equally divine

that is
not just another case of lip service to the self
evident truth that 
all men are created equal 
but to the perhaps slightly less evident truth that
all people are equally creator 

but in any case i too think this is a wonderful
investigation & project 
& certainly invite as much co creation as anyone might
wish to bring

yep thats right
we do seem to have here at the south pole the worlds
4th reported albeit hitherto unnoticed 
boundary cross
just like those similarly precious rarities previously
found at jungholz & baarle & cooch behar

but only if everyones land proves to be as real as
germany austria the netherlands belgium india or

& only if someone can say where the norwegian south
polar disclaimer really ends
since a territory without a boundary is no less a
conundrum than a country without a state

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