

      avwmaths processes input from left to right, so for the second  

avwmaths++ -test_img -fmean -kernel file kn test_img_mean

will apply fmean processing to -test_img using the default kernel and  
_then_ set the kernel to the image kn and then output test_img_mean  
(setting the kernel has no effect on the output since there are no  
subsequent image processing commands).

for your first command:
avwmaths++ -test_img -kernel file kn -fmean test_img_mean

what type of image is kn? Does avwmaths++ give the same error message  
if a different file is used as a kernel? How about different  
processing commands (e.g. -fmeanu)?

> Hi,
> if I try your syntax
> avwmaths++ -test_img -kernel file kn -fmean test_img_mean
> the routine causes an memory access error. If I change the position of
> -fmean and -kernel
> avwmaths++ -test_img -fmean -kernel file kn test_img_mean
> it seems to work on a 32-bit system and takes only a few seconds. On
> 64-machine both versions produce an error.
> Seems to work means: I get an output but if I try the same with some
> included kernels like box and gauss with serveral widths, the  
> output image
> is allways the same, a little bit smoothed. Its independet from the  
> kernel
> parameter.
> If I try avwconv it works and the procedure takes a long time, with
> --forcefft too. This seems more real to me than a few second.
> Best regards
> Jörg