

why don't you want to proceed the other way around, i.e. transform the mask into diffusion space by the inverse of diff2str.mat)? If you transform the FA map, the interpolation may alter your FA values whereas getting a binary mask in diffusion space should be straight forward.


Von: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library im Auftrag von Kristen Lindgren
Gesendet: Mo 02.01.2006 17:58
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: Re: [FSL] AW: [FSL] Calculating FA after probabilistic tractograp hy

Hello.  I have a quick follow-up question to your instructions on how to
calculate FA from probabilistic tractography.  In previous e-mails, I was
told to use the following commands to get this information:

avwmaths_32R pathway -thr <threshold> -bin -mul dti_FA FAmask
avwstats FAmask -M

However, I just realized that my masks for probabilistic tractography
(mode=twomasks_symm) were in anatomical space and not diffusion space;
therefore, I had to apply the diff2str.mat transform during probtrack.

Does this mean that I need to apply the diff2str.mat transform to dti_FA
before using the above commands?  If so, are these the selections I would

Transformation matrix = diff2str.mat
Input volume = dti_FA
Reference Volume = anat (T1 image that was used for registration), based on
existing volume

Thanks for your help.  Hope you had a great holiday!
