


I am trying to coregister a 3-slice EPI to a low-resolution anatomical (t2 
flair) image. The anatomical image covers the whole brain and has the 3 EPI 
slices as a subset. Slice thickness is 6 mm in both cases.

Thus, I need a flirt command with Z translation only:

Case 1:
flirt -in epi_3 -ref T2flair_brain  -out epi_3_in_T2flair  -schedule 
Result: The coregistration (location of slices) is ok but there are only 2 
EPI slices in the anatomical space

Case 2 (-2D):
flirt -in epi_3 -ref T2flair_brain  -out epi_3_in_T2flair  -2D -schedule 
Result: Now there are 4 EPI slices.

What is going on here?


Teemu Rinne
Dept Psychology
Univ Helsinki, Finland

Flirt versio is 5.4.2 (mac g5 & intel mac pro).

avwinfo T2flair_brain:
dim1           512
dim2           512
dim3           28
dim4           1
datatype       4
pixdim1        0.4296880066
pixdim2        0.4296819866
pixdim3        6.0000000000
pixdim4        1.0000000000
cal_max        302.0000
cal_min        0.0000
glmax          0
glmin          0
origin1        257
origin2        1
origin3        256
file_type      ANALYZE-7.5

avwinfo epi_3:
dim1           128
dim2           128
dim3           3
dim4           1
datatype       4
pixdim1        -1.7187500000
pixdim2        1.7187299728
pixdim3        6.0000000000
pixdim4        1.0000000000
cal_max        3034.0000
cal_min        0.0000
glmax          0
glmin          0
origin1        16640
origin2        16384
origin3        256
file_type      ANALYZE-7.5