

The title of the text is "Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism", Eskander, which was initially a series of lectures.  I remember reading it for Theodore Kiesel's phenomenology and Existentialism class at Northern Illinois University.  I don't know where you would find it until the new edition comes out from the University of Notre Dame Press in June of this year (projected publication date).  A very good research library may have it, especially at a Catholic college.
"For beauty is the beginning of terror we are still able to bear, and why we love it so is because it so serenely disdains to destroy us"  Rilke's First Duino Elegy
Daniel Shaw
Professor of Philosophy and Film
Lock Haven University
Managing Editor, Film and Philosophy


From: Film-Philosophy Salon on behalf of Eskandar Sadeghi
Sent: Fri 4/14/2006 10:03 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Phenomenological criticisms of Bergson[Scanned]

Thank you Dan - where could I find that? Are there any texts in particular that you could direct me towards?

"Shaw, Dan" <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 

	How about Maritain's defense of conceptual knowledge in Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism? He saw himself as trying to stem the tide of irrationalism at the time (1913), but he does make some interesting points.
	"For beauty is the beginning of terror we are still able to bear, and why we love it so is because it so serenely disdains to destroy us" Rilke's First Duino Elegy
	Daniel Shaw
	Professor of Philosophy and Film
	Lock Haven University
	Managing Editor, Film and Philosophy
	Film-Philosophy Email Discussion Salon.
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