Dear Thomas,

I'm now writing my Master Paper on Deleuze's Film Philosophy, and it seems to me obvious that if cinema is considered as a concept's machine than it should work with all types of films... these with Direct time-images and these with indirect.

At his conclusions Deleuze write that cinema should bring back the fate in our world, this calls for a third type of cinema, not for cinema of cliches (first synthèse of time) not for cinema of mémoire and souvenirs (secend synthèse of time) but for cinema of great actions, cinema of great events - where people overcome their fears (third synthèse of time) a kind of cinema that calls for a third type of image... an image that opens toward the Future...

If such films exist... they are fold between the movement-image and the time-image... movies that seems to go places unknown...

Guy Assal                                     גיא אסל
Editor&Film Director          עורך ובמאי סרטים    
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