

Geotechnical Hazards Analysis & Mitigation    (Deadlines;  Abstract:
July 1 & Draft Papers: July 15)

This session welcomes papers related to large scale problems that are
associated with the broad topic of geotechnical hazards, such as,
earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, severe natural events (e.g.,
Hurricane Katrina), tsunamis, wildfires inducing erosion and earth dam
failures, etc.  As it is suggested in the previous list, it is common
that a combination of hazards turns this into a larger magnitude
disaster.  The hazards and mitigation opens possibilities for the
analysis of the hazard problem and their solutions.  Some of the tools
used to develop solutions that are not apparent at the site level can be
better evaluated using computer techniques such as 3D visualization,
Lidar surveys, bathymetric studies, and GIS/remote sensing.
Additionally, methods and processes (instrumentation, monitoring
systems, safety measures, etc.) that prevent these hazards to take place
and have people at risk are also welcome in this sessions.  Papers that
include other disciplines in the overall solution to hazard problems are
encouraged.  However, emphasis should be made on the geotechnical
aspects of interest.

Approved Session and Sponsored by:  Computer Applications Committee of
the ASCE Geo-Institute.

Conference Website:  (do not
submit papers here, see below)

NOTE: Abstracts can only to be submitted to the approved sessions only
at this time.
Instructions for uploading the Abstracts / Papers
Paper Submittal Website:
1.	All authors, associate authors, corresponding authors will need
to create an account choosing the "create a new online account" option 
*	You cannot register all the authors with the same email address 
2.	An email will be sent to each of the authors with their "Online
ID" & "Passcode" 
3.	Any of the registered authors can login to the system to submit
the abstract 
*	After you login with the credentials provided, select the Geo
Denver Conference by select the radio button on the RIGHT and press
*	Select the role of an "Author" and press "Continue" 
*	Click on the link to submit an abstract 
*	Select the "Track: Computer Applications & Numerical Methods"
from the provided list and press "Continue", the track can be changed in
the next steps 
*	Select the "Session: Geotechnical Hazard Analysis & Mitigation"
from the provided list and press "Continue", the session can be changed
in the next steps 
*	Provide the abstract title, abstract keywords and upload the
abstract document (preferably word document) 
*	Associate other authors by providing their email address
(spelled correctly) and system will link the accounts created in the
first step 
*	If authors are not present you can send an email to other
authors to create an account.

Ronaldo Luna, PhD, PE
Department of Civil, Arch. & Env. Engineering
University of Missouri-Rolla
130 Butler-Carlton Hall
Rolla, MO  65409
(573)341-4484 phone
(573)341-4729 fax

"One of the TOP 25 civil engineering programs in the nation!"
- U. S. News & World Report