

I wonder whether the student has considered approaching Disability Now
about the opportunity to write an article on his experiences in China
(he could also mention that he is seeking funding for a website in

Susie Denton
Student Adviser
Support & Advisory Service
University of Derby
Kedleston Road
Derby DE22 1GB
01332 591311

>>> Paul Smyth <[log in to unmask]> 12/10/2006 12:10 >>>

Hi to all 
One of my students, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, is a
very enterprising and interesting young man - he is trying to set up a
forum/website about disability and travel- he recently went to China and
wrote about the hotels, travelling experience from his point of view (he
wants to get into journalism eventually) - he is building a website at
present and has a blog on Proboards54 (he has not advertised it and
currently only his dad has secretly been on it and left messages - using
false names - to encourage him to continue!!). 
Does anyone know if there is any funding for projects such as these?
Any advice on getting into travel journalism (from a disability
viewpoint) - I promised i would ask on his behalf -  
Kind regards, Paul (DO - Richmond College)