

Bringing digital preservation to LIFE.

The JISC funded LIFE project reports its eagerly awaited findings on what it really costs to manage, store and preserve digital collections. In what will be an enlightening and informative one day conference, the project team will explain the challenges faced and the findings that have emerged.

The results of this groundbreaking one year study will provide a real insight into the range of issues that need to be considered for lifecycle management and will even go one step further by providing a framework within which you can work to apply a cost to your own digital collections.

This work should prove invaluable for anyone faced with the challenges of how to store and access digital content over time. By providing real-time figures for two major institutions (UCL and BL) the project findings will be both illuminating and will provide the foundations for future development work in this area.

LIFE conference - 20 April 2006 The British Library.
Venue - Conference Centre, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB  
There is no charge for attending, lunch and refreshments will be provided, however please note we reserve the right to charge a fee of £50 to no-shows.  All cancellations must be received within five working days 
Keynote speaker:
Eileen Fenton, Executive Director of Portico; the electronic archiving service supported by JSTOR, Ithaka, The Library of Congress, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 
Other confirmed speakers and conference topics:
Helen Shenton, Head of Collection care; The British Library.
The LIFEcycle model, from paper to digital
Neil Beagrie BL/JISC partnership Manager. 
Life cycle modelling, the background
Paul Wheatley, Digital Preservation Manager, Architecture and Development; The British Library
Modelling the digital preservation costs
Rory McLeod, Digital Preservation Manager, Collection Care; The British Library and LIFE Project Manager.
Legal deposit of digital material case study

Dr Paul Ayris, Director of Library servicesUniversity College London.  
UCL e-journal case study
Chris Rusbridge, Director of the Digital Curation Centre
Outcomes and the way forward- Panel discussion
To view the full programme list, please follow this link.

To register for the LIFE conference, please follow this link.