From: [log in to unmask] on behalf of Shobita Parthasarathy
Sent: Thu 26/01/2006 19:08
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: CFP: Working with Machines - Knowledge, Practice, Technical Change

Working with Machines - Knowledge, Practice, Technical Change

Invitation to a workshop. Vadstena, Sweden, September 4-6, 2006.
Organized by the Department of Technology and Social Change, Institute
of Tema research, Linköping University.

Call for abstracts

How can we research the interactions between humans and machines in
work settings, their interface, agency and meaningful encounters? What
theoretical alternatives are there ? and what vital new insights can
recent studies bring? This workshop will bring together researchers
from different fields ? ethnomethodology, gender studies, labour
process studies, symbolic interactionism, organization studies etc. ?
to investigate common themes and alternative interpretations in the
study of work and technology.

The background is the ubiquity of technologies in a variety of work
settings ? industrial, health care, service, professional ? which
calls for an understanding of how humans understand, interact and co-
construct everyday work practices with technologies. Issues of
learning, risk and technological change are salient, as are questions
of gender, power and organization. How are new technologies localized
in work settings? How can we conceptualize various configurations of
human-machine agency, and how can the knowledge and practices involved
be researched and understood?

The Vadstena workshop aims to discuss these challenges for S&TS
research. We invite scholars from various areas to what we hope will
be a fruitful exchange of ideas and research experiences.

We are happy to have professor Lucy Suchman, Lancaster university, as
a contributor and resource person at the Workshop.

Participants should have some empirical work behind them and have an
interest in theoretical issues of work and technology. A PhD degree is
a plus, but not a requirement. Papers are invited which will discuss
theoretical issues in relation to empirical research. One main
discussant will be designated for each paper. All papers will be sent
out in advance, and we expect an active involvement from all
participants. A selection of  the papers presented are intended for
publication after re-writing.

We hereby invite those interested to send in an abstract of no more
than 300 words before February 15, 2006. Those selected (by late
February) for the workshop should send in their papers (preferably of
no more than 20 pages) by August 1 , 2006. It is possible to
participate as a discussant of one of the papers. All costs at the
workshop will be paid for by the organizers. A small grant for travel
expenses is available for those doctoral students who are unable to
finance their journey otherwise.

For more information, contact Professor Boel Berner
([log in to unmask]) or Assistant Professor Johan M. Sanne
([log in to unmask]).

Abstracts should be sent to Johan M. Sanne ([log in to unmask]).

We welcome you to Vadstena in September and are looking forward to an
exciting workshop!

Boel Berner and Johan M. Sanne
Department of Technology and Social Change
Linköpings Universitet
S-581 83 Linköping

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