

QAA document
Support this, and make the following arguments:
taxonomy of economics from a heterodoxological point - link with politics, history, etc etc inseparable without tearing the fabric of knowing;
local, regional, "national", global, as mediations, categories, or concepts, which chunking and clumping data, information, knowledge, theory, fashion, ideology, etc etc
political role in "history matters"; "commission for inclusion and cohesion"; and other perhaps less topical moments (I've just put in two on the go at the moment here);
RAE processes distorting and perhaps in particular the way the publishing industry, STM, is both part of the process and an agent on the process.
Policy based evidence and evidence based policy - units of measurement and accounting feeding in
Each of these might have clearer or better words and almost certainly has a scholarly apparatus.  There are probably even more important cases from within the discipline, but I'm not an "economist", merely heterodoxological.

From: To complement the journal 'Capital and Class' (ISSN 0 309 8786) on behalf of Lee, Frederic
Sent: Wed 06/09/2006 21:12
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: QAA document

The QAA is seeking feedback on a draft revised Economics benchmark
statement.  This is an opportunity to influence their content.  Other
draft statements on the web pages may also be of interest. 

Members of CSE should do something about this.  Set up a committee and
make a reply.  Do something that will that CSE is in fact a professional
organization that actually goes to bat for its members.

Link to the relevant pages on the QAA website:-

and to the proforma they provide for comments

Fred Lee

Professor Frederic S. Lee
Department of Economics
University of Missouri-Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, Missouri  64110
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Book Series Editor of "Advances in Heterodox Economics"

For Heterodox Economics on the Web see
For the Association for Heterodox Economics:
For Heterodox Economics Newsletter:
International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics

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