

Dear Bugs users,
  I am running a multinomial logit model and using the estimated parameters to compute a multy party equilibria algorithm (Adams, Merrill, and Grofmanl; 2005). The multinomial model is stochastic but the nested nash model is just an iterative algorithm that maximizes the location of the parties given the true voter's location but has no distribution. I have two questions:
1.- For a long time I have been running multinomial logit models in Bugs will all categories rather than J-1. Identification has not being a problem in bugs and the multinomial model with all J categories converges without problem. Still, the "Alligators" example fixes the parameters of the first category to zero (alpha[1] <- 0). Is there some particular reason to estimate the multinomial in Bugs with J-1 categories? I could fix one category and back transform the model to obtain the parameters of interest, but seems utterly unnecessary. 
2.- Second, I am using the results of the multinomial to iteratively search for multiple parties Nash equilibria (nested in the code). In the model, the parameters of the multinomial are fitted to the nash algorithm which tricks bugs into compiling by adding an intermediate parameter (nash[t]~dnorm([t],100)) which fits the mean of the derivative with a high precision, Tau=100. Does anyone knows a more elegant way to use Bugs Random Walk to fit data to an analytical algorithm?
   The code for the model is below:
   for (t in 1:K) {
  #Nash Equilibrium Algorithm
  [t] <- mean(w1[,t])/mean(w2[,t])+xbar
            probp[t]<- mean(p[,t])
            A[t] <- A.s[t]
            B[t] <- B.s[t]
  #Party Location priors for Multinomial model
             probz[t]<- mean(z[,t])
   for (i in 1 : I) {   # Loop around groups 
            Y[i,1:K] ~ dmulti( z[i,1:K] , 1)
        for (k in 1 : K) {     # Multinomial Choice Model
            z[i,k]        <-  phi.s[i,k] / sum(phi.s[i,])
            log(phi.s[i,k]) <-  B.s[k]*valence[i,k]-A.s[k]*(pow(x[i]-s[i,k],2))
                                   #Nash Model
            p[i,k]        <-  phi[i,k] / sum(phi[i,])
            log(phi[i,k]) <-  B[k]*valence[i,k]-A[k]*(pow(x[i]-nash[k],2))
            w1[i,k] <- p[i,k]*(1-p[i,k])*(x[i]-xbar)
            w2[i,k] <- p[i,k]*(1-p[i,k]) 

Ernesto Calvo
Assistant Professor
University of Houston
Department of Political Science
Hoffman Hall (PGH)- Of. 414 
Houston, Texas 77204-3011
[log in to unmask]
Te: (713) 743-3892
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