

Great piece on cutups, esp. Ted Berrigan.
Re. the history it might have been good to mention also Blaise Cendrars, who even before the first world war was starting to experiment with cutups of a kind. Ron Padgett, of course,  translated Cendrars, but Cendrars still may not have the recogntion as an innovator he deserves outside France. I guess, as Ron (Silliman) says, there shouldn't be too much anxiety around this, but certainly it goes a lot further back than Burroughs or Cobbing.

Ron Silliman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


A history of cut-ups

How tell a story
in an American movie?
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The poetics of Alice Notley

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the National Medal of the Arts

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and writing networks, as such

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The role of influence
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Representing San Francisco
to Italian readers

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ends a run of annuals
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(Frank Film, by Frank and Caroline Mouris)
and the Ubuweb Film Archive

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