


Control of the location that links launch "into" in terms of browsers 
and frameset sections are controlled with the "target=????" argument on the

To see the target argument of a link generated by Blackboard use
The " View (Page)Source" option on your browser.

You can also see the names of the various frameset sections by viewing the

When you create course links within html portal modules coding the target
arguments right can be pretty subtle.

Here is a an article that outlines the difference between the _new and
_blank argument.

The other important point is to always make the links coded in the html
portal "relative",
(eg /bin/common/
Do not hardcode the hostname in the link.

University of York
Email: [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Blackboard/Courseinfo userslist
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Arthur Loughran
Sent: 20 November 2006 15:18
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Breadcrumb Trail Query

Thanks for your feedback.  I have in fact just this moment noticed what I
think is the "real" problem.  

It is not that the breadcrumb link  does not link back to the module home
page, it does.  What I had not noticed before is that it displays the module
home page within the tab page and not, as I had expected, within the new
window which I had forced to open when connecting to the sub-folder from the
link in the HTML module in the tab.

I can only presume that when the course link is selected, the system
attempts to open the course in a new window, finds that a blackboard session
window is already open (the session from which the tab and link were
originally selected) and forces the course home page into the already open
"Blackboard session" window.  I have tried this in IE6 and Firefox with the
same result.

Another wee indicator that it is Blackboard session related is that if the
original blackboard session is closed the course opens in a new window (as I
had originally expected).  It also opens in a new window even if another
"non-blackboard" browser window is open.


>> gerard elder <[log in to unmask]> 20/11/2006 10:23:03 am

Think you might be using the wrong URL when you link to the folder in the
learning system.  If you try the following syntax it should be ok. You will
need to add the correct course_id on the end of course.



This technique works for us.


Gerard Elder

VLE Systems Development Officer
Blackboard Administrator
City of Sunderland College

[log in to unmask] 
tel: 0191 5116005
fax: 0191 5116163 ......................................................

-----Original Message-----
From: Blackboard/Courseinfo userslist
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Arthur Loughran
Sent: 19 November 2006 13:19
To: [log in to unmask] 
Subject: Breadcrumb Trail Query

I am setting up a Tab in which I am using a portal HTML module to link to
timetables which are stored in a sub-folder in a course in the Learning
System.  This is easy enough to do and the appropriate timetable sub-folder
is displayed (in a new window) and module users can then select the relevant
timetable file.

A breadcrumb trail is displayed at the top of the screen, an example of
which is shown below.


Users can use the trail to navigate to the higher level folder, TIMETABLES.
However the breadcrumb link to the top level of the course (SCHOOL OF
COMPUTING INFO CENTRE) does not respond.

I would be grateful for any comment/advice on this matter.

many thanks,
Arthur Loughran
University of Paisley.