

There is no support (yet?) for secondary institution_role assignment via XML-feeds. Secondary system roles (new in 7.1) cannot be snapshot-assigned at all, nor can any other part of domain management at this point.

On 5/25/06, Arthur Loughran <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Your reply to an earlier snapshot message has reminded me of a question I want to ask about Event Driven XML snapshoting.

In the Integration Manual (and the Blackboard example in the IMS v1.1 enterprise manual), there are XML entries for System role and Institutional role but not for secondary roles.  Does XML handle secondary roles?  If so could you give (or point to) examples.

many thanks,
Arthur Loughran

Dr. Arthur J. Loughran
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Learning and Teaching
University of Paisley
Paisley PA1 2BE
tele:     +44-(0)141-848-3558
fax:      +44-(0)141-848-3822
email:   [log in to unmask]

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