

Declaration of interest!!


Gary said, "In terms of land-lines I've found the 'vocally-dialer's on the web that looks just the kind of thing needed. Manufactured in Isreal, I haven't found a UK reseller yet, but need to check with the company, but if anyone knows...."

Madhouse Software Productions Ltd., is pleased to announce that we have just come to an agreement with "G. G. Electronics'" in Israel, for us to retail the "Vocally Dialler Range" in the UK and Europe. To obtain more information on the Vocally Dialler Range or other Madhouse Software Productions products visit :-



Mr. Peter O'Neill. BSc (Hon) 
Managing Director 
Madhouse Software Productions Ltd. 

EMail :- 

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Visit the Companies Web Site at:- 


Madhouse Software Productions Ltd., 
P. O. Box 460. 
South Yorkshire, 
S75 5 ZT 

Tel / Fax +44 (0) 1226 390 000 

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