Dear colleagues,

I am currently studying the charcoal from a late mesolithic site  (Swifterband culture) from northern Belgium.  The samples contain a surprisingly high percentage of Viscum charcoal (and seeds from Hedera).

I wonder if any one knows about other late mesolithic sites with high numbers of seeds/charcoal of Viscum (and Hedera).

I read a short notice in a AEA-newsletter from 2004 (review of the Bad Bachau symposium) about several Viscum finds but no references are given. Does anyone knows which sites are meant and if this information is published?

Best regards,


Koen Deforce
Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed (VIOE)
Flemish Heritage Institute
Koning Albert II laan 19 bus 5
1210 Brussel
tel: 02 553 18 35
fax: 02 553 16 55

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