

Dear All,

First, thanks for all of you who contributed to the discussion, it is much appreciated and very helpful.
I will check all the ref. mentioned.
Here are some points,

To Anders Söderberg; yes i agree with you, it does look like a technical ceramic material rather then a slag. 

As for other metals, such as silver or alloys that would still remain to be verified. I hope that from ICP on the sediments as well as the piece itsel,  i would get more information. 

Dealing with silver would not leave silver traces in the glassy matrix/slagging material?

As for the Ca enrichment, we have to bare in mind that the clays in the area are very enriched with Ca, and the whole tel is situated on a formation of limestone, what we call kurkar.

To David Killick - I agree, it sounds similar though we are talking about lead concentration of 4-5% in the glass, which i could not detect as oxides. The glass is red and does contain cuprite dendrites embedded in it.

All the best,


Adi Behar-Eliyahu
Ph.D Candidate
Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science
Weizmann Institute of Science

Tel: 08-9343254
Cell: 0524-640046