

Dear Adi,

IF the material have any connection to silver refining, you would probably be able to find smaller or larger traces of silver in it. But don't count on this - as the idea is to get rid of impurities you will manly find impurities, as copper and lead, in the remaining waste. The silver traces may be very discreet.

The lime-rich environment may probably explain the Ca-content in the furnace lining. Then it shouldn't be used an evidence for cupellation activity.

As I said, the idea of silver refining is just a suggestion in order to not forget different activities when you make your interpretation of the material. It's a good idea having the unexpected in mind as well!

Best regards,
Anders S

> As for other metals, such as silver or alloys that would still remain to be verified. I hope that from ICP on the sediments as well as the piece itsel,  i would get more information.