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Dear AM list,

In the spirit of the recent discussions about what this list is for, I'd
like to put forth a query that I think you all might be able to help me
with, but which I hope will also generate some discussion.  My PhD work is
on University-Industry relations in the biosciences in England (and
specifically in the Cambridge bio-cluster).  One of the main themes of my
dissertation is about how particular discursive, and other, practices in
this area appeal to social relations as a productive and generative object.
In the process I'm finding myself increasingly tempted to assign some
clusters of assumptions to the category of "neoliberalism". I'm resisting
this because the term seems incredibly vague and encompasses too many
assumptions, ideologies and practices to be of much analytical value itself
(in this instance).  It seems that when it is written about it is either
located within the statements of particular writers or individuals seen as
the head of some movement or it is located in some sort of invisible force
"out there".  I wonder, a) does anyone else on the list also share this
concern in their work and/or b) is anyone aware of researchers who have
tried to locate "neoliberalism" ethnographically?

If people are more comfortable responding with suggestions off-list, that's
fine. I will share a general synopsis in the near future.


David Leitner

David S. Leitner, PhD. Candidate
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Cambridge

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