

Dear Allstat Members:

I am looking for the paper
Koch, G.G. (2002). Missing data: a damaging (and possibly catastrophic 
disorder) for statistical planning. Bulletin of International Chinese 
Statistical Association, January: 43-45.
for the research of my thesis.

Does anybody could help me?

My university does not have this bulletin. Almost all issues are 
available in the site , but for an 
unfortunately coincidence with the title of the paper, this issue is 
missing. I wrote for the maintainers of the ICSA, but I did not receive 
any answer. In this kind of case, I would write to the author, but 
professor Koch appear not to have an e-mail (at least made public in 
other papers or in his homepage).

Thanks in advance.

Frederico Zanqueta Poleto
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"An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more than an exact answer to an approximate problem." J. W. Tukey