

IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2006

Call for Participation

We solicit papers, posters, videos, artistic works, and contest entries 
for InfoVis 2006, the twelfth annual IEEE Symposium on Information 
Visualization.  In addition, we encourage the submission of proposals 
for InfoVis-related tutorials and workshops to be held during the 
conference week (see Vis conference web site for details).InfoVis is the 
primary meeting in the field of information visualization, and is held 
on October 29 through 31, in conjunction with the IEEE Visualization 
2006 (Vis06) conference and the IEEE Visual Analytics Science and 
Technology Symposium (VAST06) in Baltimore, Maryland, the week of 
October 29 through November 3, 2006.

Computer-based information visualization, or "infovis", centers around 
helping people explore or explain data through systems that include 
static or interactive visual representations. The central design 
challenge in infovis is designing a cognitively useful spatial mapping 
of a dataset that is not inherently spatial. There are many possible 
visual encodings, only a fraction of which are helpful for a given task. 
We draw on the intellectual history of several traditions, including 
computer graphics, human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, 
semiotics, graphic design, statistical graphics, cartography, and art. 
The synthesis of relevant ideas from these fields is critical for 
keeping pace with the torrents of data that confront us all.

** New this Year **
InfoVis Art Exhibit
Full papers to be published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and 
Computer Graphics

** Important Deadlines **
March 21, 2006   Paper Abstracts (mandatory for paper submissions)
March 31, 2006   Full Papers
April 30, 2006    Tutorial Proposal (Vis06)
June 30, 2006    Posters
June 30, 2006    Videos
June 30, 2006    Art Exhibit Submissions
June 30, 2006    Workshop Proposal (Vis 06)
August 11, 2006  Contest Entries

Abstracts due (mandatory): March 21, 2006
Full papers due: March 31, 2006

Papers can be up to a maximum of eight (8) pages in length, including 
full-color figures throughout. We encourage the use of digital video to 
support the submission, particularly if part or all of the work covers 
interactive techniques. At least one author of an accepted paper must 
attend the conference to present the work, and authors will also be 
required to present a very brief one-minute summary of their talk at the 
opening papers preview session.

All papers accepted to the Symposium will also appear in an issue of 
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).

For more information on paper categories (technique, system, design 
study, valuation, and model) and the review process, see the InfoVis 06 

Due: June 30, 2006

The InfoVis Poster Program provides a forum for researchers to present 
work that is in progress and not sufficiently mature for a regular paper 
submission quite yet. Posters are typically summaries of ongoing work 
that authors present to gain feedback from the community about the 
research. In addition to having a two-page article in the Conference 
Compendium, authors will create a large poster summarizing their work 
and will be available to discuss it during the Monday evening conference 
reception and poster session. Accepted poster summaries will be included 
electronically on the IEEE Visualization 2006 Conference DVD, placed on 
the official web site, and also distributed in a hardcopy 
compendium to all symposium and conference attendees.

At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the conference to 
present the work at the evening poster session, and authors will also be 
required to present a very brief one-minute summary of their work at a 
posters preview session earlier in that day.

For details on format and electronic submission of posters and optional 
accompanying digital video, see the Submission Instructions:

------------  VIDEOS
Due: Thursday, June 30, 2005

Videos are an effective way to educate others about new information 
visualization techniques and concepts. We want to encourage the 
production of high quality videos, and aim at producing a valuable 
resource that will stimulate research and that can be used for 
educational purposes.

Videos are submitted as a digital video movie, with maximum size of 100 
MB, accompanied by a two (2) page summary of the work. The length of the 
video should preferably not exceed 5 minutes, but in very special cases 
exceptions can be made. The size limit is strict however. We encourage 
original submissions of unpublished work, as well as new submissions 
showcasing systems, methods and techniques of interest to the 
information visualization community that have been presented in other 

Accepted videos will be included electronically on the IEEE 
Visualization 2005 Conference DVD, shown during the InfoVis symposium, 
placed on the official web site, and the summary will be 
distributed in a hardcopy compendium to all symposium and conference 

At least one author of an accepted video must attend the conference.

Due: June 30, 2006

Information visualization is traditionally viewed as a tool for data 
exploration and hypothesis formation. In recent years, however, both the 
mainstreaming of computer graphics and the democratization of data 
sources on the Internet have had important repercussions in the field of 
information visualization. With the ability to create visual 
representations of data on home computers, artists and designers have 
greatly expanded the practice of infovis as artistic pursuit.

In its first edition, the InfoVis Art Exhibit examines the merging of 
artistic intention and visualization technique. We are looking for 
artwork that reveals data patterns in aesthetic, innovative ways.

The InfoVis Art Exhibit will consider the following types of work:
* interactive CD/DVD-ROM work
* interactive web-based work
* printed artwork

Accepted art submissions will be included electronically on the IEEE 
Visualization 2005 Conference DVD, shown during the InfoVis symposium, 
placed on the official web site, and the summary will be 
distributed in a hardcopy compendium to all symposium and conference 

For instructions on how to submit your work, see submission page at:

Due: August 11, 2006

Contest Dataset and Tasks:

Following last year's Technology Trends and Industry Analysis data set, 
a widely analyzed and familiar U.S. Census 2000 data set is the topic of 
this year's competition. The goal of the contest is to promote the 
development of benchmarks for information visualization, establish a 
forum to promote evaluation methods, and encourage creativity and utility.

The data set consists of 1% of the results of the U.S. Census 2000, and 
submissions using the complete set or a selected subset of one or more 
geographic regions are encouraged, focusing on at least one of the 
contest tasks. Augmentation of the data set with any publicly available 
data is allowed. Contest entries are submitted as a two (2) page 
summary, a video and accompanying materials to one of three categories: 
academic, industry or student category.

All accepted entry materials will be made available online after the 
conference. At least one author of an accepted entry must attend the 
conference to present the work. Authors of first place entries will 
present their work during the main contest session. Authors of second 
place entries will present their work during the poster session. 
Duplicate submissions should *not* be made to both the poster and 
contest categories.