

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the

Fourth Meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
of the International Biometric Society (EMR-IBS).

The meeting will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Eilat, Israel, on January 
23-25, 2007, with a pre-conference reception
on the evening of January 22. The conference will include three full days 
of sessions, the first of which will be a
special one-day symposium in honor of Marvin Zelen on the occasion of his 
80th birthday. A slate of distinguished
invited speakers has been lined up for the conference, and we look forward 
to a very stimulating meeting.
For more information or to submit an abstract, see .

I encourage you all to participate in this conference. I also would be 
grateful if you would spread the word about
the conference to as many of your colleagues as you can, by word of mouth 
and email. Those wishing a hard
copy of the poster to hang up on their department bulletin board should 
feel free to ask, and I will be glad to supply
one (until I run out). A PDF version of the conference poster is available 
for download at my personal webpage (click on Information on EMR-IBS 
2007 Conference, and you will arrive at
the section of the webpage from which the PDF poster can be downloaded).

I hope to see you and your colleagues at the conference.

With regards,
David Zucker

David M. Zucker
Department of Statistics, Hebrew University
Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Phone: +972-2-588-1291, Fax: +972-2-588-3549
E-mail: [log in to unmask]