


You are invited to a joint RSS General Applications Section and
Manchester Local Group meeting on Statistics and the Law.  No booking is
necessary - we will be pleased to see you.

Full details including links to maps etc are on the Manchester LG web site
at but briefly the location and short details are:

January 11th 2006 at MMU All Saints West Building, Room 2.05, 2.00 prompt
to 5.30pm (tea at 3.30pm)


Tony Gardner-Medwin, UCL

Reasonable Doubt: What kind of probability is at issue?

I shall challenge the conventional view that "beyond reasonable doubt" in
criminal trials is a matter of a high threshold on the probability of
guilt.  Could the evidence have arisen for innocent persons with
non-negligible frequency?  Addressing uncertainties and probabilities
conditional on the hypothesis of innocence becomes the most critical issue
for a jury to address.

David J Balding, Imperial College

Assessing relatedness between groups of individuals

Despite the wide acceptance of likelihood ratios in establishing
relatedness by DNA profiling, there remain many complexities.  These will
be discussed with related issues in the context of a group of individuals,
each the offspring of anonymous donor insemination, who wished to know
which, if any, of them had a common natural father.

First and Second Order interactions with the Law

Patrick J Laycock, University of Manchester

My 'first order interactions' involve court appearances and have lately
concerned Crown prosecution statements about the detection of drugs on
bank notes. I will discuss some of the statistical problems raised in
these and other cases and attempt to convey some of the pleasures and
frustrations they have brought me.

Stephen Senn, Glasgow

How much shyster do you want with your quack?

In this litigious age the public seems to have extravagant expectations as
to what medicine ought to deliver and no 'accident' occurs without someone
being to blame.  I consider some implications of public expectation of
proof of non-harm for patients, physicians, investigative journalists,
lawyers, drug developers and regulators and statisticians.

John Logsdon
RSS Manchester Local Group
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