

Passwords and possible discrimination?

Hi All,

One of our academic colleagues has raised a concern about a new system which is to be introduced by the University which assists users when the password change utility fails.

This asks two security questions.

One of these questions is 'Mother's maiden name'

The colleague has said that this question causes discomfort to the children of single parents by the implication that a normal person can only be the child of a marriage in which the female partner has changed her name. He also suggests that it will also cause discomfort to married women who choose to retain their birth name.  It is also specific to Western cultures.

Do colleagues think this question may be discriminatory (bearing in mind that the vast majority of banks within the UK which clearly have a very multicultural customer base, also ask this question?.  Also the individual is able to use any password that only they remember, it does not necessarily need to be their mother's maiden name.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated!

Best wishes
