

Dear Michelle

I don't know if you remember me? I was Head of Equality and Diversity at Leicester University.

I now work independenty as a trainer and consultant in universities, nhs etc. I wondered if you had a list of trainers/ facilitators. Either that the sector can draw on or for the conferences.  I would certainly be interested in the training of new practitioners - I remember how hard it was when I started.

Many thanks for your thoughts.

Best wishes,

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-----Original Message-----
From: Michele Lefevre <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Fri, 23 Jun 2006 13:23:59 
To:[log in to unmask]
Subject: HEEON Input request 2006

Dear all

The 14th annual residential conference:  ‘Leading Institutional Strategy on
Equality and Diversity: Influencing Change’ will be held by HEEON, the only
independent, self funded, network of equalities practitioners in the sector,
on the 28th and 29th June at the University of Warwick’s Radcliffe
conference and training centre.  

During this event the coming year’s programme will be decided, therefore,
the steering group would be very grateful if you would take a couple of
minutes to inform us of your interests and needs for the coming year to
enable us to provide appropriate events.

For all admin-eo members:
1	Is your institution a corporate member of HEEON? Yes/no/don’t know

2	If not, what would attract you, on behalf of your institution, to join HEEON?

3	What are your key concerns/priorities for the coming year?

4	What event format, theme/s and/or speaker/s are most likely to attract you
to attend a HEEON event in the coming year?  

5	Would you prefer to attend a one day or residential event, either or both?

6	It has been suggested that HEEON should provide training for new
equalities practitioners.  What information/contacts/links do you think
would be most helpful to a new practitioner?

7	What else could HEEON provide to meet your needs?

8	Is there any other feedback you would like to provide?

For HEEON members only:

9	Would you be interested in joining any sub groups and, if so, what type,
for example, regional or special interest?

10	The latest edition of the HEEON newsletter is being piloted in an on-line
only version.  Are you happy with this or would you prefer a hard copy?

11	Invoices for outstanding annual membership fees are currently raised
towards the end of the academic year, however, it has been suggested that it
would be preferable if these were raised at the beginning of the year. 
Would you prefer invoices to be raised at the start of the financial year or
at the end?

12	Are you interested in joining the HEEON steering group? Yes/no/possibly.

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this.

All best wishes


Michele Lefevre
HEEON Administrator