


> Whilst there, I am also taking a look at the C version of HLP (donated by
> Pat). It builds fine but I need to add a fortran interface. The problem
> with that is that
>   1) HLP_HELP and HLP_CREH take fortran functon callbacks (painful but
>      not insurmountable)

AST does plenty of this.

>   2) HLP_HELP and HLP_CREH take Fortran unit numbers for STDOUT, STDIN and
>      STDERR. This is more of a pain since the C version just assumes
>      stdout, stdin and stderr and translating a fortran unit number to
>      a C fd is not generally possible.
> For problem 2 my only options seem to be:
>   1) Ignore the unit numbers (possibly warning if they are non-standard)
>   2) Keep the Fortran version as well as the new C version (libhlp and
>      libhlpc or libhlpf and libhlp) tweaking hlp_link as appropriate.
> Any votes?

1) seems to be the minimalist pragmatic approach and would get my vote.
