: ) without raising those old ghosts, a lot of it was some stupid people needy for scandal and 'insider detail' on various matters, and there were some despicable insults to those recently dead and whom were known to some folk on the list; which i (as one of the moderators then) could not deal with in any constructive fashion, so while i am sure the new Mods will be producing guidelines for behaviour, a big guideline would be "don't post anything here you would not say to the person in real life, or if they were dead, nothing you wouldn't say in person to their widow(er)"
dave e

Daniel Harms <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I’ve seen some references here to previous list troubles.  Without raising the specters of lists past, is it possible to institute any ground rules that might prevent whatever situation occurred from occurring again, or is it strictly matters of personality?


Dan Harms

Coordinator of Instruction Librarian

SUNY Cortland Memorial Library

P.O. Box 2000
Cortland NY, 13045

(607) 753-4042


-----Original Message-----
From: Society for The Academic Study of Magic [maiilto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of DAVE EVANS
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 4:07 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Introduction


A R W Forrest <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

"I feel a bit out of my depth with all the anthropologists signing up here"




please don't be, one of the delights of the previous e-list was the sheer variery of disciplinary perspective that came to participate. Everyone bar a very few brought value to the list, and everyone bar a very few took away things of value from others. I hope we can have that factor happening here soon, it was truly brilliant


Dave E

(allegedly an historian, but probably too mixed-discipline to be easily pigeonholed, or indeed easily employed!)