

> Hi Gavin
> Interesting subject you are doing. I'd like to put you in  touch with a
> friend, a psychologist who is also a Buddhist practitioner, and
> is  currently doing cognitive work like stress and anger management at a
> hospital.  His dissertation tested the reactions of subjects to psychic
> healing and showed  very clearly that it helped if and when they believed in
> it, but made them feel  worse or more stressed when they disbelieved in it.
> But he is not on  email,  and I don't have yours.
> Catriona

Thank you for the offer, I would indeed like to speak to your friend at some
point -- though right now I have a lot on my plate. So for now I'll just
watch and comment from time to time, and possibly revisit this when I could
employ such a contact more constructively.
