

"Chas S. Clifton" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:    On 12 Dec,05, at 5:52 PM, Caelum Rainieri wrote:

> 4. Human society should be a microcosm of the divine society;

As one of Carrasco's former grad students, I can tell you that he
believes in this implicitly, as in, "Your graduate advisor is a higher
order of being than you are. Do not expect him to respond to your
telephone calls." (This was pre-email.)

> This seems like a sound structure to me.

You can start sacrificing quail to Huitzilapochtli now, until you get
enough prisoners of war to do the real thing.
  - I was hoping to start with Republican hawks like Rumsfeld and Cheney. :-)

Chas Clifton

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