

Dear All,


Please find here some registration details which I’ve received from the WFTC conference secretariat:


Ms. Britta Muehlbach, scientific programme committee: > [log in to unmask] < e-post for contact.


The individual registration fee is $ 500 US dollar:

The conference will provide one (1) free registration for every 10 persons in a group.


The registration fee covers the scientific programme and social programme.


 The conference hotel venue: New Sheraton Hotel and Towers, has a special conference rate of $ 185 US dollars per person per night, single / double room. Other hotel options are posted on the conference web site at


The WFTC conference scientific committee will be providing additional information on December 1st 2005:


The conference committee has requested suggestions from us regarding suggested speakers, so over to you now.


Please do feel free to share this update with all colleagues and interested parties.






Anthony Slater.


Director, Phoenix Haga.

President, E.F.T.C.

Folkenborgveien 198,

1850 Mysen, Norway.

Tel: + 47 69 89 82 50.

Fax: + 47 69 89 82 51.

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